HOT IRON , Installation, exhibition view, Stadtgalerie Waidhofen / Ybbs, 2018 >>
A painting is a space is a painting is a space. An interplay of paintings, architecture and the space in between.
artdepot, installation, exhibition view, Innsbruck, 2017 >>
A painting is a space is a painting is a space. An interplay of paintings, architecture and the space in between.
OCTAGON, Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2015 >>
Ink, acrylic, paper, tapes.
SUSPENSION, Performative Installation, 2014 >>
Installation and concept/coreography Anemona Crisan, performer: Sophia Hörmann,
Junge Kunst Parcours, Ankerbrotfabrik, Vienna 2014. Tapes.
UN/CONSTRAINED, Diploma, installation of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 2011 >>
Painting: pencil, acrylic on canvas, 200 x 150 cm/78.74 x 59.05 in., walls and floor: tapes, length variable. Photos: Th.Fr.
As part of an artistic project (Red Carpet Art Award), this site specific installation was created in 2011 in the lecure room of the Vienna Education Academy. The room is used for training courses and lectures.
Material: pencil, acrylic, tapes.
Article (german) "Red carpet art Award: Anemona Crisan - Over \ Tension: Dynamic Space Vectors"
MEANS OF ESCAPE, brut Konzerthaus, Vienna, 2010 >>
Installation: Painting (140 x 110 cm/55.11 x 32.37 in., pencil, acrylic / canvas), walls (tapes: length variable).