I was born in Bucharest (Romania) in 1980 and grew up in Austria, where our family had moved in 1991, after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
My artistic work is influenced by these two seemingly opposing cultures and political systems, combining influences of modernist and constructivist formal language with a distinct figurative-abstract approach to bodies and space.
I am interested in the connection between abstraction and metaphysics, which is historically deeply rooted in modernist abstract painting (think of Kandinsky's "On the Spiritual in Art", Hilma af Klint's anthroposophically or theosophically inspired works, Mondrian, or Malevich et. al.).
My works include painting and drawing on canvas and paper, as well as space-invading installative works, which I have executed in exhibitions, as art in public space and as art and architecture projects. The central theme is the inner, metaphysical process of self-knowledge, which takes place in my works as a spiritual and physical phenomenon. Inspired by ancient knowledge such as hermetic and alchemical teachings that combine art, science and spirituality into a holistic understanding of existence, I present a contemporary view and interpretation of these ideas that transcend the concept of duality and remind us of our power to create our existence and meaning ourselves, in balance, with each other and with all levels of nature.
Born in Bucharest (Romania) in 1980, lives / works in Vienna (Austria).
Fine arts, art and cultural studies degree, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Art history degree, University of Innsbruck and Vienna
Permanent In Situ Works
Growing Together, corten steel sculpture in public space, Scheffau Tirol
STRABAG – Real Estate GmbH, 4th floor TechGate Vienna
STRABAG – Real Estate GmbH, 3rd floor, TechGate, Vienna
DAL – Deutsche Anlagen Leasing GMbH, headquarters in Mainz
ega, Vienna
Solo Exhibitions
Golden (C)Age, Anemona Crisan Showroom Vienna
Fears & Hopes, Anemona Crisan Showroom Vienna
Hot iron, Raumimpuls, Waidhofen / Ybbs
Anemona Crisan, Loft8, Vienna; artdepot, Innsbruck
Écorché, bildraum07, Vienna,
Inner Architectures, Karin Wimmer Contemporary Gallery, Munich
Space Intruders, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia,
Where do we come from, where do we go?, Museum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck; Installation, Bsa Gallery, Vienna
Inwards, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Embodying the Space, gallery in Andechshof, Innsbruck; Turning point, work in public space, Vienna
Red carpet for young art, Vienna; Zwang-Los, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
en passant ..., work in public space, Spittelberg Passage, Vienna,
Eskapaden, KFR8, Vienna, change of sides, demonstration room, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Vis-a-vis. To the room behind the room, artist gallery C&S, Innsbruck
Group Exhibitions & Art Events
Papierform, Urban Collection, Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria
Denken & Deuten, artistic posters in public space, Vienna & Salzburg
Durchgehen, artistic posters in public space, Vienna
Play reading by Philine Conrad with live music by Lidia Domanska, exhibition Golden (C)Age by Anemona Crisan, Talk: Corona & Art. A review of the past 2 Years on the role of art during the pandemic, with Philine Conrad, Jan D. Zimmermann, Anemona Crisan, Anemona Crisan Atelier & Showroom Vienna
Lecture by Jan D. Zimmermann "Den Schatten im Rücken", exhibition "Glut-Werke" by Anemona Crisan,
Anemona Crisan Atelier & Showroom Vienna
Art Vienna, spatial installation, Hofburg Vienna
Austria Contemporary, EU Parliament, Brussels
A tribute to Gunter Damisch, Kunstforum Montafon
Gray Area, Urban Collection, Waidhofen / Ybbs
sowohl als auch- in memoriam Gunter Damisch, x_posit, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Raumwandler, in situ work as part of the exhibition Raumkonvergenzen, Kunstverein Gelsenkirchen,
Anemona Crisan & Birgit Pleschberger, St. Claude Gallery, New Orleans, USA,
CITY ART INNSBRUCK. 2010-2015, Innsbruck
Physical arrangements, flat 1, Vienna,
Upside down, performance, Ankerbrotfarbik, Vienna,
Faust, permanent in situ installation, ega, Vienna
Red Carpet Art Award, Viennafair 2013
Turning Point, installation in public space, SOHO in Ottakring, Vienna
Monday is the day after tomorrow, Young art on paper, Kupferstichkabinett,
Academy of Fine Arts, ViennaStudio Show, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing
METAmART, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
Puzzled Rooms, Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels, Vienna
Open art, public art, summer days, Vienna
Fee-Male II, verdigris, mill floor
Master drawing IV, Lang gallery, Vienna
Hybrid, base level, Vienna
The nakedness, Lang gallery, Vienna
No Dog - Hyper Flux !, Glockengasse 9 and masc foundation, Vienna
Sauna 2010, installation, brut-Konzerthaus, Vienna
"Who is Afraid of Red?", Base-level, Vienna
Walter Koschatzky Art Award 2009, MUMOK, Vienna
Randzone, gallery Schloss Parz
Awards / Grants
Walter Koschatzky recognition award
Josef Franz Würlinger Prize 2013, Tyrol
Artist in Residence Beijing, China (BMUKK)
Red Carpet Art Award
Artist in Residence, Arlberg Hospice
Artist in Residence, Paris
Kupferstichkabinett of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Zachęta- National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Artothek des Bundes
Collection of the State of Tyrol
Collection of the city of Innsbruck
ANEMONA CRISAN – Die Anatomie des Raums / The Anatomy of Space,
monography (german/english), Kerber Verlag, Berlin 2014
Anemona Crisan – Intersecting Lines,
New Orleans, 2015